[Shotwell] Slow Import with many duplicates...

Norbert Preining preining at logic.at
Sun Apr 7 11:23:46 UTC 2013

On Sa, 06 Apr 2013, Kenneth Jernigan wrote:
> When trying to import from an SD card of 1600 photos on Ubuntu 12.10 (Shotwell version 0.14.1), shotwell slowed to a crawl.  After several attempts, each one ramping 1 of my CPUs to 100%, I never made it past 12% complete.  I killed the Unity Photo Lens (which was consuming 30% of the second CPU), but saw no change in the import.  After giving this several tries, I gave up for an afternoon.

I agree, I had the same problem with import from both SD card and from

Copying the files to a new dir on the hard drive, and importing from
there worked like a breeze.

Something is broken in the import I guess.


PREINING, Norbert                               http://www.preining.info
JAIST, Japan                                 TeX Live & Debian Developer
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