[Shotwell] publishing and custom sizes

Clinton Rogers clinton at yorba.org
Wed Aug 31 00:50:44 UTC 2011

Hi all,

On Tue, Aug 30, 2011 at 1:32 PM, Jonas Bushart <jonas at bushart.org> wrote:

> Hello,
> interesting ideas. THose sound good. I will add those ideas to the
> bugtracker ticket: http://redmine.yorba.org/**issues/3865<http://redmine.yorba.org/issues/3865>
> Jonas
> Am 30.08.2011 21:21, schrieb Aurélien Naldi:
>  Hi,
>> I just updated to shotwell 0.11, it looks like a nice improvement over
>> the previous version, which comes with a price: it increases user
>> expectations :)
> ...which is as it should be. :)

> In case this is not the right place to discuss feature requests, I
>> wanted to submit this to the bugtracker but never got the email to
>> activate my account.
>> My new pet peeve is the publishing dialog. As you may know, google
>> increased the "free images" size limit for google plus users to 2048
>> pixels, and the dialog restricts me to either 1600 pixels or full
>> size, preventing me from taking advantage of the new free storage.
>> After a quick look at the code, it seems easy to fix by adding a
>> single line to the picasa export plugin.
>> Actually, I did just this, and it works fine (the diff is too small to
>> be of any interrest), but I would love a proper solution. Indeed, what
>> if the size changes again. Or for some reason, a user want to use some
>> intermediate step between the free storage limit and the original
>> size?
>> If I recall properly, f-spot has a widget to set a custom size along
>> with some presets, but it feels wrong, what I would like is to keep
>> only the presets, but to allow the user to add entries to it.
>> Would it be possible to have a "+" button next to the preset selection
>> combobox, that allows to add custom sizes? For the sake of simplicity,
>> I think that a list of custom sizes should be managed by shotwell
>> itself, each publishing plugin could then decide to use them or not
>> (based on size limits enforced by the service itself).
> This sounds like a good way forward, since it means that the user can
freely choose sizes that aren't currently selectable, and if a service
provider decides to allow larger images than they currently do, the
application doesn't need to be updated to support this - simply enter the
larger dimensions and click OK.

I'll bring yours and Jonas' suggestions up with the team as soon as

> Some other changes to the publishing dialog that would be lovely:
>> * the names of the preset sizes are misleading: resize sets a limit on
>> the larger border and preserves aspect ratio, it doesn't enforce a 4:3
>> ratio as the preset sizes suggest.
> Agreed; it might be helpful to document that these are max dimensions, but
not necessarily what a published image will be resized to.  We'll need to
think about how and where, but in the meantime, I'll ticket this right away.

> * the service selection does not allow multiple accounts on the same
>> service. Relying on the new gnome online accounts panel might be the
>> easiest path for this, do you have any plan in this direction?
> Again, this is definitely something that we'll need to plan out first, but
it is a good idea; I'll add a ticket for this, too.


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