[Shotwell] Shotwell 0.11: Call for Testing

Adam Dingle adam at yorba.org
Mon Aug 29 15:12:05 UTC 2011

On 08/27/2011 05:13 PM, Ian Molton wrote:
> On Sat, 2011-08-20 at 10:18 +0200, oliver wrote:
>> On Sat, Aug 20, 2011 at 09:12:32AM +0100, Chris Game wrote:
>>>> Can I suggest that the term "import" is the problem; you're setting up
>>>> that implication of taking in and then trying to negate it straight
>>>> away.  Maybe change that to "Scan photos only" ?
>>> Yes, in English "Import in place" is a self contradiction, either
>>> the images are imported or they're left in place. I found that
>>> confusing myself. "Link to my images" is better?
>> [...]
>> Maybe "Add Metadata only"
>> vs.   "Add Metadata + Copy Files"?
> Um, no. This is symptomatic of why people hate using computers.
> A typical user has no idea what metadata is. and doesnt need to care.


> "Link to my images (do not copy)" or something like that is *way*
> better. The crucial point the user needs to understand is that the
> images WILL NOT be copied. If they dont get that and then wipe their
> camera card, they will be very unhappy.

We've actually spent a fair amount of time wrestling with the wording of 
this particular string.  In older versions of Shotwell it was called 
Create Links, but people thought that was confusing because it seemed 
like Shotwell would create symbolic links in this situation (which it 
doesn't), so we decided to change it.  Here's the ticket where we 
discussed what string to use instead:


"Import without Copying" was one option we considered, but I believe we 
concluded it was too long.
> Does shotwell refuse to link to files on removable storage? if not, it
> probably should...

We've also thought about this.  The problem here is that it might 
actually be reasonable to link to (i.e. import in place) files on 
certain kinds of removable storage, e.g. a 1-terabyte external hard 
drive.  In the end we decided to be as flexible as possible and let the 
user always decide.


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