[Shotwell] Re-Import RAW+JPEG, 0.11

Alexey Fisher bug-track at fisher-privat.net
Thu Aug 25 06:34:44 UTC 2011

Am 24.08.2011 22:43, schrieb Eric Gregory:
> On Wed, Aug 24, 2011 at 1:36 PM, Maximilian B<
> maximilian.bloemer at googlemail.com>  wrote:
>> I want to re-import already imported RAW+JPEG files. How can that be done?
>> Direct Import of these RAW+JPEGs from camera works fine: RAW and JPEG
>> appear paired.
>> Import from folder does not work in this way as RAW and JPEG are not
>> paired.
> Unfortunately this is not currently possible in Shotwell.  We'd discussed
> auto pairing RAW and JPEG files on upgrade, but decided it would be too
> risky.  Additionally it's not always desirable from a folder import.
> If enough people want this, we could add a manual pairing option in the
> future. Feel free to file a feature request ticket on our Redmine database
> asking for this.

I need this as well,

if i understand correctly, you have the logic to detect file with same 
name but different suffix. What if you use this logic all the time. But 
if the folder do not have DCIM name, ask if shotwell should handle this 
kind of files as dupps and give an option to remember th choice.
Especially if you find a pair of photos in same dir of same date, but 
with different suffix, like jpg+nef or what ever... what else can it be, 
except a pair?

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