[Shotwell] Adding Positional Tags to Shotwell: Weekly Report 11

Valentín valentin at sanva.net
Mon Aug 8 10:13:35 UTC 2011


[NOTE: You can see a Spanish version of this mail in my personal blog,
http://sanva.net/blog/104/ ]

Last week I've continued correcting bugs in the tool:

   - http://redmine.yorba.org/issues/3907
   - http://redmine.yorba.org/issues/3910
   - http://redmine.yorba.org/issues/3896

This could appear to be really not much work, but I also spend time looking
for the reason of #3896 to try to report it to Unity and/or Vala.

And I've also got bad news: Although Faces tool is already in Shotwell's
master branch it will not be available in the next Shotwell 0.11 because

"Shotwell team thinks that this is a promising feature but is not actually
so useful yet because we don't yet have either automatic face recognition or
the ability to upload faces to Flickr and Facebook.  Second, there are still
a number of issues to resolve (search our Redmine bug tracker for the
subject "face" to see them all) and we have only a couple of weeks left
until we ship 0.11, so we think the schedule is just too tight.  Some of the
display issues on Ubuntu Natty/Oneiric might be especially tricky.

We're still looking forward to shipping Faces in 0.12." [Quoting Adam

So, I will spend this week trying to fix those mentioned bugs --feel free to
try the tool ( instructions to compile here
http://lists.yorba.org/pipermail/shotwell/2011-August/002594.html ) and also
feel free to share your impressions or report bugs if you find any.


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