vvvvv PROCESS OBJECT EVENT focus: vvvvv 13:23:21 - OBJECT EVENT: focus: (0, 0, 0) app.name='evolution' name='New' role='menu' state='enabled focused selectable selected sensitive showing visible' relations='' interfaces='Accessible Action Collection Component Selection' 13:23:21 - EVENT MANAGER: Getting script for [application | evolution] 13:23:21 - EVENT MANAGER: Script is 13:23:21 - ORCA: Changing locusOfFocus from [tree table | Messages] to [menu | New] 13:23:21 - INFO: [menu | New] is top-level object: False 13:23:21 - INFO: [menu | New] is top-level object: False 13:23:21 - BRAILLE GENERATOR: Starting generation for [menu | New] GENERATION TIME: 0.0003 ----> includeContext=True 13:23:21 - INFO: [menu bar | ] is deemed to be layout only 13:23:21 - BRAILLE GENERATOR: Starting generation for [frame | Calendar - Evolution] GENERATION TIME: 0.0003 ----> label=[] GENERATION TIME: 0.0005 ----> displayedText=['Calendar - Evolution'] GENERATION TIME: 0.0003 ----> value=[''] GENERATION TIME: 0.0003 ----> roleName=['frame'] GENERATION TIME: 0.0007 ----> alertAndDialogCount=[] COMPLETION TIME: 0.0025 13:23:21 - BRAILLE GENERATOR: Results: Component: 'Calendar - Evolution frame', 0 13:23:21 - BRAILLE GENERATOR: Starting generation for [application | evolution] GENERATION TIME: 0.0003 ----> label=[] GENERATION TIME: 0.0001 ----> displayedText=['evolution'] GENERATION TIME: 0.0002 ----> value=[''] GENERATION TIME: 0.0003 ----> roleName=['application'] GENERATION TIME: 0.0001 ----> required=[] COMPLETION TIME: 0.0015 13:23:21 - BRAILLE GENERATOR: Results: Component: 'evolution application', 0 GENERATION TIME: 0.0090 ----> ancestors=[, , ] GENERATION TIME: 0.0002 ----> rowHeader=[] GENERATION TIME: 0.0002 ----> columnHeader=[] GENERATION TIME: 0.0002 ----> radioButtonGroup=[] GENERATION TIME: 0.0009 ----> labelOrName=['New'] GENERATION TIME: 0.0004 ----> roleName=['menu'] GENERATION TIME: 0.0002 ----> availability=[] GENERATION TIME: 0.0005 ----> accelerator=[] GENERATION TIME: 0.0003 ----> nodeLevel=[] COMPLETION TIME: 0.0128 13:23:21 - BRAILLE GENERATOR: Results: Component: 'evolution application', 0 Region: ' ', 0 Component: 'Calendar - Evolution frame', 0 Region: ' ', 0 Component: 'New menu', 0 BRAILLE LINE: 'evolution application Calendar - Evolution frame New menu' VISIBLE: 'New menu', cursor=1 Could not initialize BrlTTY: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/opt/gnome/lib/python3.4/site-packages/orca/braille.py", line 1711, in init _brlAPI = brlapi.Connection() File "brlapi.pyx", line 302, in brlapi.Connection.__init__ (brlapi.auto.c:4800) brlapi.ConnectionError: 13:23:21 - SPEECH GENERATOR: Starting generation for [menu | New] GENERATION TIME: 0.0002 ----> oldAncestors=[] 13:23:21 - INFO: Looking for common ancestor of [tree table | Messages] and [menu | New] 13:23:21 - INFO: Common ancestor of [tree table | Messages] and [menu | New] is [filler | ] 13:23:21 - SPEECH GENERATOR: Starting generation for [menu | File] GENERATION TIME: 0.0011 ----> labelOrName=['File', {'rate': 100.0}] GENERATION TIME: 0.0003 ----> roleName=['menu', {'rate': 100.0}] COMPLETION TIME: 0.0017 13:23:21 - SPEECH GENERATOR: Results: File {'rate': 100.0} menu {'rate': 100.0} GENERATION TIME: 0.0048 ----> newAncestors=[['File', {'rate': 100.0}, 'menu', {'rate': 100.0}]] GENERATION TIME: 0.0010 ----> labelOrName=['New', {'rate': 100.0}] GENERATION TIME: 0.0003 ----> roleName=['menu', {'rate': 100.0}] GENERATION TIME: 0.0002 ----> availability=[] GENERATION TIME: 0.0001 ----> mnemonic=[] GENERATION TIME: 0.0001 ----> accelerator=[] GENERATION TIME: 0.0001 ----> pause=[] GENERATION TIME: 0.0001 ----> positionInList=[] GENERATION TIME: 0.0004 ----> newNodeLevel=[] GENERATION TIME: 0.0002 ----> unselectedCell=[] GENERATION TIME: 0.0001 ----> clickable=[] GENERATION TIME: 0.0001 ----> hasLongDesc=[] GENERATION TIME: 0.0002 ----> tutorial=[] GENERATION TIME: 0.0004 ----> description=[] COMPLETION TIME: 0.0093 13:23:21 - SPEECH GENERATOR: Results: ['File', {'rate': 100.0}, 'menu', {'rate': 100.0}] New {'rate': 100.0} menu {'rate': 100.0} 13:23:21 - SPEECH OUTPUT: 'File menu'{'rate': 100.0} 13:23:21 - SPEECH DISPATCHER: Speaking 'File menu' Orca rate 100.0, pitch 5.0; SD rate 100, pitch 10 13:23:21 - SPEECH OUTPUT: 'New menu.'{'rate': 100.0} 13:23:21 - SPEECH DISPATCHER: Speaking 'New menu.' Orca rate 100.0, pitch 5.0; SD rate 100, pitch 10 TOTAL PROCESSING TIME: 0.0808 ^^^^^ PROCESS OBJECT EVENT focus: ^^^^^ 13:23:21 - EVENT MANAGER: Dequeued object:state-changed:showing [panel | ] (1,0,0) from [application | gnome-shell] vvvvv PROCESS OBJECT EVENT object:state-changed:showing vvvvv 13:23:21 - OBJECT EVENT: object:state-changed:showing (1, 0, 0) app.name='gnome-shell' name='None' role='panel' state='enabled focusable sensitive showing visible' relations='' interfaces='Accessible Action Collection Component' 13:23:21 - EVENT MANAGER: Getting script for [application | gnome-shell] 13:23:21 - EVENT MANAGER: Script is TOTAL PROCESSING TIME: 0.0041 ^^^^^ PROCESS OBJECT EVENT object:state-changed:showing ^^^^^ 13:23:21 - EVENT MANAGER: Dequeued object:state-changed:showing [panel | ] (1,0,0) from [application | gnome-shell] vvvvv PROCESS OBJECT EVENT object:state-changed:showing vvvvv 13:23:21 - OBJECT EVENT: object:state-changed:showing (1, 0, 0) app.name='gnome-shell' name='None' role='panel' state='focusable showing visible' relations='' interfaces='Accessible Action Collection Component' 13:23:21 - EVENT MANAGER: Getting script for [application | gnome-shell] 13:23:21 - EVENT MANAGER: Script is TOTAL PROCESSING TIME: 0.0050 ^^^^^ PROCESS OBJECT EVENT object:state-changed:showing ^^^^^ 13:23:21 - EVENT MANAGER: Dequeued object:state-changed:showing [panel | ] (1,0,0) from [application | gnome-shell] vvvvv PROCESS OBJECT EVENT object:state-changed:showing vvvvv 13:23:21 - OBJECT EVENT: object:state-changed:showing (1, 0, 0) app.name='gnome-shell' name='None' role='panel' state='focusable showing visible' relations='' interfaces='Accessible Action Collection Component' 13:23:21 - EVENT MANAGER: Getting script for [application | gnome-shell] 13:23:21 - EVENT MANAGER: Script is TOTAL PROCESSING TIME: 0.0047 ^^^^^ PROCESS OBJECT EVENT object:state-changed:showing ^^^^^ KEYBOARD_EVENT: type=0 id=65364 hw_code=116 modifiers=0 event_string=(Down) keyval_name=(Down) is_text=True timestamp=112828800 time=1459880602.864329 keyType=navigation clickCount=1 shouldEcho=False vvvvv PROCESS ATSPI_KEY_PRESSED_EVENT: 'Down' (116) vvvvv 13:23:22 - HOST_APP: [application | evolution] 13:23:22 - WINDOW: [frame | Calendar - Evolution] 13:23:22 - LOCATION: [menu | New] 13:23:22 - CONSUME: False (No handler) 13:23:22 - TOTAL PROCESSING TIME: 0.0020 ^^^^^ PROCESS ATSPI_KEY_PRESSED_EVENT: 'Down' (116) ^^^^^ 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: object:state-changed:showing for [menu item | Appointment] in [application | evolution] (0, 0, 0) 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: Ignoring event type due to role 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: object:state-changed:showing for [menu item | All Day Appointment] in [application | evolution] (0, 0, 0) 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: Ignoring event type due to role 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: object:state-changed:showing for [menu item | Meeting] in [application | evolution] (0, 0, 0) 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: Ignoring event type due to role 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: object:state-changed:showing for [menu item | Calendar] in [application | evolution] (0, 0, 0) 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: Ignoring event type due to role 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: object:state-changed:showing for [separator | ] in [application | evolution] (0, 0, 0) 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: Ignoring event type due to role 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: object:state-changed:showing for [menu item | Assigned Task] in [application | evolution] (0, 0, 0) 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: Ignoring event type due to role 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: object:state-changed:showing for [menu item | Contact] in [application | evolution] (0, 0, 0) 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: Ignoring event type due to role 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: object:state-changed:showing for [menu item | Contact List] in [application | evolution] (0, 0, 0) 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: Ignoring event type due to role 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: object:state-changed:showing for [menu item | Mail Message] in [application | evolution] (0, 0, 0) 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: Ignoring event type due to role 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: object:state-changed:showing for [menu item | Memo] in [application | evolution] (0, 0, 0) 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: Ignoring event type due to role 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: object:state-changed:showing for [menu item | Shared Memo] in [application | evolution] (0, 0, 0) 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: Ignoring event type due to role 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: object:state-changed:showing for [menu item | Task] in [application | evolution] (0, 0, 0) 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: Ignoring event type due to role 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: object:state-changed:showing for [separator | ] in [application | evolution] (0, 0, 0) 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: Ignoring event type due to role 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: object:state-changed:showing for [menu item | Address Book] in [application | evolution] (0, 0, 0) 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: Ignoring event type due to role 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: object:state-changed:showing for [menu item | Mail Account] in [application | evolution] (0, 0, 0) 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: Ignoring event type due to role 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: object:state-changed:showing for [menu item | Mail Folder] in [application | evolution] (0, 0, 0) 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: Ignoring event type due to role 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: object:state-changed:showing for [menu item | Memo List] in [application | evolution] (0, 0, 0) 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: Ignoring event type due to role 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: object:state-changed:showing for [menu item | Task List] in [application | evolution] (0, 0, 0) 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: Ignoring event type due to role 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: object:state-changed:showing for [window | ] in [application | evolution] (0, 0, 0) 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: Ignoring event type due to role 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: object:state-changed:selected for [menu | New] in [application | evolution] (0, 0, 0) 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: Not ignoring due to lack of cause 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: Queueing object:state-changed:selected [menu | New] (0,0,0) from [application | evolution] 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: object:state-changed:showing for [menu item | Appointment] in [application | evolution] (0, 0, 0) 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: Ignoring event type due to role 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: object:state-changed:showing for [menu item | All Day Appointment] in [application | evolution] (0, 0, 0) 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: Ignoring event type due to role 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: object:state-changed:showing for [menu item | Meeting] in [application | evolution] (0, 0, 0) 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: Ignoring event type due to role 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: object:state-changed:showing for [menu item | Calendar] in [application | evolution] (0, 0, 0) 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: Ignoring event type due to role 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: object:state-changed:showing for [separator | ] in [application | evolution] (0, 0, 0) 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: Ignoring event type due to role 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: object:state-changed:showing for [menu item | Assigned Task] in [application | evolution] (0, 0, 0) 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: Ignoring event type due to role 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: object:state-changed:showing for [menu item | Contact] in [application | evolution] (0, 0, 0) 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: Ignoring event type due to role 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: object:state-changed:showing for [menu item | Contact List] in [application | evolution] (0, 0, 0) 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: Ignoring event type due to role 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: object:state-changed:showing for [menu item | Mail Message] in [application | evolution] (0, 0, 0) 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: Ignoring event type due to role 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: object:state-changed:showing for [menu item | Memo] in [application | evolution] (0, 0, 0) 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: Ignoring event type due to role 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: object:state-changed:showing for [menu item | Shared Memo] in [application | evolution] (0, 0, 0) 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: Ignoring event type due to role 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: object:state-changed:showing for [menu item | Task] in [application | evolution] (0, 0, 0) 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: Ignoring event type due to role 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: object:state-changed:showing for [separator | ] in [application | evolution] (0, 0, 0) 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: Ignoring event type due to role 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: object:state-changed:showing for [menu item | Address Book] in [application | evolution] (0, 0, 0) 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: Ignoring event type due to role 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: object:state-changed:showing for [menu item | Mail Account] in [application | evolution] (0, 0, 0) 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: Ignoring event type due to role 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: object:state-changed:showing for [menu item | Mail Folder] in [application | evolution] (0, 0, 0) 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: Ignoring event type due to role 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: object:state-changed:showing for [menu item | Memo List] in [application | evolution] (0, 0, 0) 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: Ignoring event type due to role 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: object:state-changed:showing for [menu item | Task List] in [application | evolution] (0, 0, 0) 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: Ignoring event type due to role 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: object:selection-changed for [menu | File] in [application | evolution] (0, 0, 0) 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: Not ignoring due to lack of cause 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: Queueing object:selection-changed [menu | File] (0,0,0) from [application | evolution] 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: object:text-changed:insert for [label | Create a new window displaying this view] in [application | evolution] (0, 40, Create a new window displaying this view) 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: Not ignoring due to lack of cause 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: Queueing object:text-changed:insert [label | Create a new window displaying this view] (0,40,Create a new window displaying this view) from [application | evolution] 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: object:property-change:accessible-name for [label | Create a new window displaying this view] in [application | evolution] (0, 0, Create a new window displaying this view) 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: Not ignoring due to lack of cause 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: Queueing object:property-change:accessible-name [label | Create a new window displaying this view] (0,0,Create a new window displaying this view) from [application | evolution] 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: object:state-changed:showing for [label | Create a new window displaying this view] in [application | evolution] (1, 0, 0) 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: Ignoring event type due to role 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: object:state-changed:showing for [filler | ] in [application | evolution] (0, 0, 0) 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: Ignoring event type due to role 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: object:state-changed:showing for [page tab list | ] in [application | evolution] (0, 0, 0) 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: Ignoring event type due to role 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: object:state-changed:selected for [menu item | New Window] in [application | evolution] (1, 0, 0) 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: Not ignoring due to lack of cause 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: Queueing object:state-changed:selected [menu item | New Window] (1,0,0) from [application | evolution] 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: object:selection-changed for [menu | File] in [application | evolution] (0, 0, 0) 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: Not ignoring due to lack of cause 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: Queueing object:selection-changed [menu | File] (0,0,0) from [application | evolution] 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: object:state-changed:showing for [DEAD] in [application | gnome-shell] (0, 0, 0) 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: Not ignoring due to lack of cause 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: Queueing object:state-changed:showing [DEAD] (0,0,0) from [application | gnome-shell] 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: object:state-changed:showing for [DEAD] in [application | gnome-shell] (0, 0, 0) 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: Not ignoring due to lack of cause 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: Queueing object:state-changed:showing [DEAD] (0,0,0) from [application | gnome-shell] 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: object:state-changed:showing for [DEAD] in [application | gnome-shell] (0, 0, 0) 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: Not ignoring due to lack of cause 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: Queueing object:state-changed:showing [DEAD] (0,0,0) from [application | gnome-shell] 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: object:children-changed:remove for [DEAD] in [application | gnome-shell] (0, 0, [DEAD]) 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: Ignoring because event type is ignored 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: object:children-changed:remove for [DEAD] in [application | gnome-shell] (0, 0, [DEAD]) 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: Ignoring because event type is ignored 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: object:children-changed:remove for [panel | ] in [application | gnome-shell] (2, 0, [DEAD]) 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: Ignoring because event type is ignored 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: focus: for [menu item | New Window] in [application | evolution] (0, 0, 0) 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: Not ignoring due to lack of cause 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: Queueing focus: [menu item | New Window] (0,0,0) from [application | evolution] 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: Dequeued object:state-changed:selected [menu | New] (0,0,0) from [application | evolution] vvvvv PROCESS OBJECT EVENT object:state-changed:selected vvvvv 13:23:22 - OBJECT EVENT: object:state-changed:selected (0, 0, 0) app.name='evolution' name='New' role='menu' state='enabled focused selectable sensitive showing visible' relations='' interfaces='Accessible Action Collection Component Selection' 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: Getting script for [application | evolution] 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: Script is TOTAL PROCESSING TIME: 0.0020 ^^^^^ PROCESS OBJECT EVENT object:state-changed:selected ^^^^^ 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: Dequeued object:selection-changed [menu | File] (0,0,0) from [application | evolution] vvvvv PROCESS OBJECT EVENT object:selection-changed vvvvv 13:23:22 - OBJECT EVENT: object:selection-changed (0, 0, 0) app.name='evolution' name='File' role='menu' state='enabled focused selectable selected sensitive showing visible' relations='' interfaces='Accessible Action Collection Component Selection' 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: Getting script for [application | evolution] 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: Script is 13:23:22 - SCRIPT: Skipping object event due to more recent event of the same type in the same object object:selection-changed(0, 0, 0) source: [menu | File] host_application: [application | evolution] TOTAL PROCESSING TIME: 0.0020 ^^^^^ PROCESS OBJECT EVENT object:selection-changed ^^^^^ 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: Dequeued object:text-changed:insert [label | Create a new window displaying this view] (0,40,Create a new window displaying this view) from [application | evolution] vvvvv PROCESS OBJECT EVENT object:text-changed:insert vvvvv 13:23:22 - OBJECT EVENT: object:text-changed:insert (0, 40, Create a new window displaying this view) app.name='evolution' name='Create a new window displaying this view' role='label' state='enabled multi line sensitive showing visible' relations='' interfaces='Accessible Collection Component Hypertext Text' 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: Getting script for [application | evolution] 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: Script is 13:23:22 - INFO: Event is not being presented due to role TOTAL PROCESSING TIME: 0.0016 ^^^^^ PROCESS OBJECT EVENT object:text-changed:insert ^^^^^ 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: Dequeued object:property-change:accessible-name [label | Create a new window displaying this view] (0,0,Create a new window displaying this view) from [application | evolution] vvvvv PROCESS OBJECT EVENT object:property-change:accessible-name vvvvv 13:23:22 - OBJECT EVENT: object:property-change:accessible-name (0, 0, Create a new window displaying this view) app.name='evolution' name='Create a new window displaying this view' role='label' state='enabled multi line sensitive showing visible' relations='' interfaces='Accessible Collection Component Hypertext Text' 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: Getting script for [application | evolution] 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: Script is 13:23:22 - DEFAULT: Event is for object other than the locusOfFocus TOTAL PROCESSING TIME: 0.0019 ^^^^^ PROCESS OBJECT EVENT object:property-change:accessible-name ^^^^^ 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: Dequeued object:state-changed:selected [menu item | New Window] (1,0,0) from [application | evolution] vvvvv PROCESS OBJECT EVENT object:state-changed:selected vvvvv 13:23:22 - OBJECT EVENT: object:state-changed:selected (1, 0, 0) app.name='evolution' name='New Window' role='menu item' state='enabled focused selectable selected sensitive showing visible' relations='' interfaces='Accessible Action Collection Component Selection' 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: Getting script for [application | evolution] 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: Script is TOTAL PROCESSING TIME: 0.0019 ^^^^^ PROCESS OBJECT EVENT object:state-changed:selected ^^^^^ 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: Dequeued object:selection-changed [menu | File] (0,0,0) from [application | evolution] vvvvv PROCESS OBJECT EVENT object:selection-changed vvvvv 13:23:22 - OBJECT EVENT: object:selection-changed (0, 0, 0) app.name='evolution' name='File' role='menu' state='enabled focused selectable selected sensitive showing visible' relations='' interfaces='Accessible Action Collection Component Selection' 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: Getting script for [application | evolution] 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: Script is 13:23:22 - ERROR: Could not process object:selection-changed Traceback (most recent call last): File "/opt/gnome/lib/python3.4/site-packages/orca/event_manager.py", line 677, in _processObjectEvent script.processObjectEvent(event) File "/opt/gnome/lib/python3.4/site-packages/orca/script.py", line 378, in processObjectEvent self.listeners[key](event) File "/opt/gnome/lib/python3.4/site-packages/orca/scripts/apps/evolution/script.py", line 158, in onSelectionChanged gtk.Script.onSelectionChanged(self, event) File "/opt/gnome/lib/python3.4/site-packages/orca/scripts/toolkits/gtk/script.py", line 216, in onSelectionChanged if self.utilities.isComboBoxWithToggleDescendant(event.source): AttributeError: 'Utilities' object has no attribute 'isComboBoxWithToggleDescendant' TOTAL PROCESSING TIME: 0.0016 ^^^^^ PROCESS OBJECT EVENT object:selection-changed ^^^^^ 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: Dequeued object:state-changed:showing [DEAD] (0,0,0) from [DEAD] vvvvv PROCESS OBJECT EVENT object:state-changed:showing vvvvv 13:23:22 - OBJECT EVENT: object:state-changed:showing (0, 0, 0) 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: Ignoring defunct object: [DEAD] TOTAL PROCESSING TIME: 0.0003 ^^^^^ PROCESS OBJECT EVENT object:state-changed:showing ^^^^^ 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: Dequeued object:state-changed:showing [DEAD] (0,0,0) from [DEAD] vvvvv PROCESS OBJECT EVENT object:state-changed:showing vvvvv 13:23:22 - OBJECT EVENT: object:state-changed:showing (0, 0, 0) 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: Ignoring defunct object: [DEAD] TOTAL PROCESSING TIME: 0.0003 ^^^^^ PROCESS OBJECT EVENT object:state-changed:showing ^^^^^ 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: Dequeued object:state-changed:showing [DEAD] (0,0,0) from [DEAD] vvvvv PROCESS OBJECT EVENT object:state-changed:showing vvvvv 13:23:22 - OBJECT EVENT: object:state-changed:showing (0, 0, 0) 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: Ignoring defunct object: [DEAD] TOTAL PROCESSING TIME: 0.0003 ^^^^^ PROCESS OBJECT EVENT object:state-changed:showing ^^^^^ 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: Dequeued focus: [menu item | New Window] (0,0,0) from [application | evolution] vvvvv PROCESS OBJECT EVENT focus: vvvvv 13:23:22 - OBJECT EVENT: focus: (0, 0, 0) app.name='evolution' name='New Window' role='menu item' state='enabled focused selectable selected sensitive showing visible' relations='' interfaces='Accessible Action Collection Component Selection' 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: Getting script for [application | evolution] 13:23:22 - EVENT MANAGER: Script is TOTAL PROCESSING TIME: 0.0029 ^^^^^ PROCESS OBJECT EVENT focus: ^^^^^