== Extra Festival Voices == === Notes === A lot of the information presented here comes from the Ubuntu forums. For a more detailed guide, see: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=751169 This was written by a Ubuntu user. The steps may be slightly different on other distrobutions. This guide uses the American English voices. This guide does not cover the CMU voices discussed in the Ubuntu Forums guide. I had trouble getting them to work and had to go and change some things by hand. Before running any of the scripts here, be sure to have festival installed and a working internet connection. === Installing Festival === The following command should get you festival along with all the festival foices in their 16k version. These are only the American English voices. Open terminal and type the following command. {{{ sudo apt-get install festival festvox-don festvox-rablpc16k festvox-kallpc16k festvox-kdlpc16k }}} To see other available voices, type: {{{ apt-cache search festvox-* }}} Installing Mbrola Voices Download the attached [[attachment:mbrola.sh|mbrola.sh]] file. Save it to your home directory. Open a terminal and type: {{{ sudo ./mbrola.sh }}} This script will download and install the Mbrola voices. Be sure to have a working internet connection when you run the script. For a detailed description of what is happening in the script, see the Ubuntu Forums page refered to in the notes section of this guide. === Installing Nitech HTS Voices === Download the attached [[attachment:nitech.sh|nitech.sh]] file. Save it to your home directory. Open a terminal and type: {{{ sudo ./nitech.sh }}} This script will download and install the Nitech voices. Be sure to have a working internet connection when you run the script. For a detailed description of what is happening in the script, see the Ubuntu Forums page refered to in the notes section of this guide.