A few installation notes for RH8 To install Gtk2-perl, you need a few additional Perl modules; these can be found at CPAN. The modules are: Inline - http://search.cpan.org/author/INGY/Inline-0.44/ Inline::Files - http://search.cpan.org/author/DCONWAY/Inline-Files-0.60/ Parse::RecDescent - http://search.cpan.org/author/DCONWAY/Parse-RecDescent-1.80/ Each of these - and Gtk2-perl itself - are installed by unpacking them, then running: perl Makefile.PL make make test - if you want to make sure it's been built OK. Note that at least for me, Gtk2-perl fails two of its tests (045_Gtk2_FontSelectionDialog.t and 059_Gtk2_FontSelection.t); nobody said this was production-quality code. :) then, as root: make install After having done this for each of the modules, you should be able to run most of the included examples. Note that it's early days yet for Gtk2-perl, so don't be surprised that there are still a lot of problems even with the included examples.