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</span>Hello Gnome,<br><br><br><span id="yiv4188760525yui_3_13_0_7_1383081682821_95" class=""> </span>My
name is Nikoleta Papanastasiou and I am a student of Information
Technology - Applied Informatics department, University of Macedonia
(Thessaloniki, Greece) and I'm in my last year of studies. <br><br><span id="yiv4188760525yui_3_13_0_7_1383081682821_91" class=""> </span>I
first heard about Gnome on Tuesday October 22nd, when Linux and Free
Software Community of University of Macedonia gathered as team and had
their initial event to promote GNU/Linux to our
university. I was informed by Stathis Iosifidis about Gnome and OPW as
much as impressed by this interesting approach of programming, which
introduces women to the computer world. So, I joined the Gnome
mailing-list and also the Facebook page "women in GNOME".<br><br><span id="yiv4188760525yui_3_13_0_7_1383081682821_436" class="">
As long as the present ideas of the list include programing languages
that I'm not familiar with, I'm mainly and mostly interested in </span><span id="yiv4188760525yui_3_13_0_7_1383081682821_436" class="">Stathis Iosifidis' idea about translating</span> part of the "help gnome" page. <span class=""></span><span class=""><br></span><span class=""> <br></span><span class=""> </span> I have already translated epiphany.help.master.el ( link: https://l10n.gnome.org/vertimus/epiphany/master/help/el ) to get used to the <span id="result_box" class="" lang="en"><span class="">the</span> <span class="">translation process </span></span>and I'm going for more...<span class=""> </span>I'd like to know more about the internship, such as how can I get the approvement to participate in OPW.<br><br><br>Thank you in advance!!