Your Full Name (Like you want to have it on the title of the page): Melissa S. R. Wen Hackergotchi: Please attach a high resolution copy of your hackergotchi or tell us if you don't want to have an image of you on that page. Catch Phrase (The slogan next to the hackergotchi): Blog (In case it differs from the one we already have from you): Mail (In case it differs from the one we already have from you): Studies (Your current studies and level): Bachelor Degree in Computer Science Location (Your country and if you want your city): Salvador, Brazil GUADEC (Are you coming to GUADEC): (yes/no) no Tell us about your project! (Max 250 chars) Gedit is a text editor clean and simple for common users and programmers. Though it has a simple base, it has a lot of plugins to add features in the extent of the need of users and programmers which makes Gedit a powerful tool. Why this project and organization? (Max 250 chars) I chose to work on GNOME platform because I have some familiarity with this. GNOME has been with me during my all programming learning and Gedit is one of my favorite text editors which I use to development of my ideas. What do you like to do when not hacking on GNOME? (Max 150 chars) I like cooking, going to the beach or hanging out and drinking beer with my friends. I also love to eat! What are your plans for after Summer of Code/Outreach Program? (Max 150 chars) Continue to contribute to GNOME and maybe other organizations. I wanna work using free-software during my whole life and do a master degree course. How would you introduce youself in 2 lines? (Max 150 chars) I am a brazilian-chinese woman. I like to be a funny person and to make friends. I like machines and people. I am usually restless and stubborn. Most interesting/useless fact you know? (Max 100 chars) If you want to be satisfied about your life, don't search for a psychoanalyst!