CIE widget drawing odd graphs

Richard Hughes hughsient at
Sun Dec 6 20:19:37 UTC 2009

2009/12/6 Pascal de Bruijn <pmjdebruijn at>:
> I might have uncovered some minor issues with the CIE widget drawing code.

They look pretty major to me!

> I've attached an archive containing several non-standard profiles,
> which are drawn quite oddly.

After the release I would like to look at the widget drawing code and
the profile extraction code (there are still quite a lot of FIXME's
and unimplemented stuff) and add a boat load more self tests and
internal validations. I fear I might not have time in the next couple
of weeks (lots of other work to do, which I've been putting off for
ages) so if anyone is familiar with XYZ co-ordinates and ICC profiles
I would appreciate any code review and possible patches.



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