This guide is heavily based on the "Compile Evolution from SVN guide". I wanted to port this to the new GIT interface and correct or improve some things. Prerequisites sudo make install magic Most distributions have already added the necessary steps to use sudo. It's common to use the group "wheel" to give users the permission to use sudo. You can check this in "/etc/sudoers". For editing, visudo is recommended - but not necessary. Just be careful! "%wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL" - would be the necessary line to give users of the group wheel the permission to use sudo with every command. "usermod -a -G wheel username" for example adds the group wheel to username. Dependencies... Evolution < 2.29 : glib2 , gtk+ , libbonobo & libbonoboui , gtkhtml , gconf, libglade, libgnomecanvas, libgnome & libgnomeui, libxml , shared-mime-info, nss & nspr [for ssl] Evolution-Data-Server <= 2.29 : additionally libsoup , gnome-keyring , sqlite , libical Evolution >= 2.29 : the same as < 2.29 plus unique, except libbonobo/libbonoboui/libgnome/libgnomeui Every distribution has it's own packaging system. Like this, you need to find out for yourself how to install these packages - please be aware that in most cases you'll need to install the -dev packages! Debugging You'll might wonder why we start with debugging before building. Well, because building influences debugging... There is an simple explanation for this : Usually, you want to have a fast software - so the distributions use the compiler to optimize the software while building... This is indeed something good - if you just want to run the software. If you want to debug the software it's pretty bad. Optimizing means that information gets stripped away that's necessary for debugging - the devs get a backtrace that contains information which is not useful or not human readable. So we should be careful while building - this is especially an warning to those who use source based distributions! My Shell config file contains the following two entries : export CFLAGS="-O0 -ggdb" export CXXFLAGS="${CFLAGS}" These cflags/cxxflags will tell the compiler to turn off optimization and to turn on debugging code. I would recommend that you'll transfer this in your .bashrc or whatever you use. Please install the -dbg packages, if your distribution ships them! These are required for proper debugging! If you are using a source based distribution, turn off stripping at least for the dependencies! See "!strip" Feature in ArkLinux BuildSystem, Gentoo : etc! Before the actual build takes place Prepare a build-directory mkdir -p ~/sources/gnome cd ~/sources/gnome I guess you are not an developer on gnome, like this we use the anonymous GIT access : The server is "git://". Now it depends on what you want to have : evolution | evolution-data-server | gtkhtml | libsoup | evolution-mapi | evolution-exchange The general checkout command is "git clone git://" where MODULE_NAME is one of the above. evolution-mapi / evolution-exchange are optional! Please fetch now evolution | evolution-data-server | gtkhtml | libsoup ! A few notes before building : I build with the usual prefix /usr/local. Therefore everything that's written here depends on this prefix.[ as it is the usual prefix, I don't need to set --prefix=/usr/local. If you want another prefix, please append the --prefix option to! ] The following might be necessary to run evolution after building or influences building too : [ replace BASE_VERSION with the version of evolution... ] export CPUS="-jX" --> defines that make uses X jobs. export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig:/usr/local/share/pkgconfig:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH" --> tells pkg-config where to look for his configuration files export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/local/lib:/usr/local/lib/evolution/BASE_VERSION:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" --> directories in which to search for shared libraries export PATH="/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/libexec:/usr/local/libexec/evolution/BASE_VERSION/$PATH" --> sets the PATH variable For evolution < 2.29 : export BONOBO_ACTIVATION_PATH="/usr/local/lib/bonobo/servers:$BONOBO_ACTIVATION_PATH" (or edit /etc/bonobo-activation/bonobo-activation-config.xml [or wherever bonobo-activation-config.xml lies] to include /usr/local/lib64/bonobo/servers ! [leave the rest like it is!] ) Doing libsoup pushd libsoup ./ make $CPUS make install popd Doing gtkhtml pushd gtkhtml ./ make $CPUS make install popd Doing evolution-data-server ( with gnome-keyring support enabled ) ( < 2.27.4 : add --enable-nss=yes --enable-smime=yes , > 2.27.4 : add --enable-ssl --enable-smime ) pushd evolution-data-server ./ --enable-gnome-keyring=yes make $CPUS make install popd Doing evolution ( with NNTP / IPV6 / Test-Component enabled / All Plugins enabled / SSL & SMIME ) ( < 2.27.4 : add --enable-nss=yes --enable-smime=yes , > 2.27.4 : add --enable-ssl --enable-smime ) pushd evolution ./ --enable-nntp=yes --enable-ipv6=yes --enable-test-component=yes --enable-plugins=all make $CPUS make install popd Optionally: Doing evolution-exchange / evolution-mapi (only for exchange support, mapi uses OpenChange while evolution-exchange uses Outlook Web Access ) pushd evolution-exchange ./ make $CPUS make install popd Optionally: Doing evolution-webcal pushd evolution-webcal ./ make $CPUS sudo make install popd Optionally: Doing evolution-mapi samba4 (see for further information) Download and extract the snapshot from ! pushd samba-4.0.0*/source4 ./ ./configure make $CPUS make install openchange (see for further information) Get the latest code from their subversion repository : svn co openchange pushd openchange ./ ./configure --with-samba=/usr/local make $CPUS sudo make install popd evolution-mapi pushd evolution-mapi/ ./ make $CPUS make install popd Upgrading You should already know that you are checking out unstable code... Don't you? So you should keep it up - if a problem occures and you want to file a bug, please upgrade before the packages evolution-data-server / evolution. There shouldn't be a need to upgrade the other packages [ except you are using exchange and therefore need evolution-exchange / exchange-mapi ] like libsoup / gtkhtml , but if you need to, it's the same as upgrading evolution / evolution-data-server! And when a major version change happens - don't forget to update your shell configuration files! We've set a few pathes that need these versions! cd ~/sources/gnome/ Upgrading evolution-data-server Quote of the Compiling Evolution from SVN manual : The desktop-integration efforts of the last few years caused that a few applications are also using e-d-s. Examples are recent versions of gnomemeeting and the panelapplet Clock. Note that if you make your e-d-s unstable, by installing a bleeding edge SVN version, you're also making other parts of your desktop unstable. But then again, and I repeat myself, thats the way developers like it! pushd evolution-data-server (see notes above, this is for version > 2.27.4!) sudo make uninstall make distclean git pull ./ --enable-ssl --enable-smime --enable-gnome-keyring=yes make $CPUS make install popd Upgrade evolution (see notes above, this is for version > 2.27.4!) pushd evolution sudo make uninstall make distclean git pull ./ --enable-ssl --enable-smime --enable-nntp=yes --enable-ipv6=yes --enable-test-component=yes --enable-plugins=all make $CPUS make install popd As you can see it is basically the same as building and installing, just that you should uninstall your old version before pulling fresh code ( this prevents stale files etc ) and running a make distclean to delete all already built files ( prevents build errors etc ) before you actually get the fresh code by running git pull. A few git hints... Applying patches from Bugzilla is quite easy. Download the patch, apply it with patch -p0 < patch . git diff is your friend in everything that has to do with diffing from HEAD or patches : Few examples : git diff --no-prefix --check -> check for whitespace ( someone will definitely love you ;) ) git diff --no-prefix > patch -> creates a patch git diff file -> shows difference from HEAD to file git log is your friend if you want to know what was recently changed. See git COMMAND --help for further informations! Normal operation If you have done the changes to your shell configuration files, you should be able to simply start evolution by running evolution ;) If there are errors, please check your shell configuration file! Especially when version < 2.29 is used, BONOBO_ACTIVATION_PATH is definitely needed to run fine! Debugging In order to debug Evolution or it's components works just as expected. You can easily attach a running process with e.g. gdb. Debugging a running Evolution process gdb -p `pidof evolution` Debugging a running evolution-data-server process gdb -p `pidof evolution-data-server` Create launchers on your panel Quote from the old manual :"I probably don't have to explain how to do this. Nevertheless it's a great idea to force yourself to actually sometimes do a debugging session when that fscking Evolution from cvs is crashing and being very unstable." Fire up your favorite editor : editor ~/Desktop/evolution-debug.desktop Insert the following text. Then save the file. (Taken from the old manual) [Desktop Entry] Encoding=UTF-8 Version=1.0 Type=Application Exec=gnome-terminal -e evolution Icon=gnome-spider.png Terminal=false Name=Debug evolution GenericName=Debug evolution Comment=Debug evolution gdb : You have (if you use the launcher) a terminal that you can use like any other terminal. Simply open a new tab when evolution for example freezes, type gdb -p `pidof evolution` and then the fun can begin. See Again I remind you of what I've written before the Building section : Please install the dbg packages if your distribution ships them or stop stripping your binaries! Build evolution with the CFLAGS I've mentioned! Only then you can have a meaningful backtrace! Making evolution your default E-mail client gconftool-2 --set --type string /desktop/gnome/url-handlers/mailto/command "/opt/gnome2/bin/evolution %s"