[Ekiga-list] Timeout? Call out OK call in from Diamon unseen or broken

Philippe Laliberte arsphl at davidbowie.com
Sun Oct 21 18:20:10 UTC 2007


I am running into a little problem. I did dig into the wiki but to no avail.


Fedora 7.
Firewall disabled. selinux disabled
Ekiga 2.0.11

Router Modem ADSL SpeedTouch 780
Firewall disabled (once I get Ekiga working I'll test what I can close)
VoIp turned off

Modem routing Configuration

Protocol    Port Range    Translate To ...    Trigger Protocol    
Trigger Port   
Any            5000 - 5100    5000 - 5100        -                      
UDP           3479 - 3479    3479 - 3479    UDP                        
UDP           3478 - 3479    3478 - 3479    UDP                        

Nat detection always Symetric.


Test in STUN:

Calls to 500 at ekiga.net No audio in.
Calls to my public phone  number at diamoncard, from a normal phone, if 
routed through sip/arsphl at ekiga.net reach me, No Audio in Ekiga.
Calls to public number at diamoncard, from a normal phone, route to IP 
Phone do not reach me at all.

Test in None

Calls to 500 at ekiga.net OK
Calls to my public phone  number at diamoncard, from a normal phone, if 
routed through sip/arsphl at ekiga.net reach me, but are in Abnormal 
termination as soon as I accept them.
Calls to public number at diamoncard, from a normal phone, routed to IP 
Phone do not reach me at all.

Other factors:

I wondered if it could be linked to the timeout, but files given in the 
Wiki do not exists.

find /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ -name "*timeout*"

So I changed the timeout of the accounts to 179.

It works, on start-up of Ekiga.

I let it dry a little (15 mins) then it all falls apart again.

So it seems that it is related to time outs, but without the ipv4 files 
I am a bit lost as to where to look for a kernel level solution. Should 
I setup ip.conntrack.udp.timeout=3600 and 
ip.conntrack.udp.timeout.stream=3600 in sysctl.conf?


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