[Ekiga-list] Can't call sip:500 at ekiga.net "proxy authentication required"

Ken Booth sf.net at booths.org.uk
Fri Mar 9 14:39:57 UTC 2007

Damien Sandras wrote:
>> I've setup an Asterisk server, with X-Lite 3.0 SIP softphones. I can 
>> successfully call any PSTN number using my Asterisk dialplans, I can 
>> call myself at sip:20 at myasteriskserver.co.uk and I can even call some 
>> other companies e.g. sip:555 at didww.com
>> My X-lite 3.0 config is set with a "Domain Proxy" of "target domain"
>> However, whenever I try to make a test call e.g. to sip:500 at ekiga.net I 
>> get the error "Proxy Authentication Required"
>> I also get the same error when I try to call my sipgate account using 
>> sip:1234567 at sipgate.co.uk, yet making a PSTN call to  (area 
>> code)-123-4567 works (routing from PSTN to sipgate to my Asterisk server 
>> to my X-lite SIP phone).
> Ekiga.net only accepts calls from ekiga users, so you have to be
> registered to ekiga.net so that it works. You can call other users
> without being registered though, but not special services. I suppose it
> is the same with sipgate.co.uk.
Thanks, Damien.

I have registered an account with ekiga.net and tried to setup a 
users.conf entry for my ekiga account on the Asterisk server.

My Asterisk server doesn't seem to get involved in the attempts to make 
SIP calls, so how do I use my ekiga account my to make SIP calls, when 
X-lite only allows me to register one account (and that has to be on my 
Asterisk server)?

I have tried to use Asterisk as a proxy server in the X-lite config, but 
then every call fails with "Caller not found"

Do I need to use SER as well as Asterisk?


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