[Ekiga-list] Fwd: ekiga

yannick sevmek at free.fr
Wed Jul 4 06:06:51 UTC 2007


Le mardi 03 juillet 2007 à 22:38 -0700, w laoye a écrit :
> --- w laoye <wlaoye at yahoo.com> wrote:
> > Date: Tue, 3 Jul 2007 02:54:54 -0700 (PDT)
> > From: w laoye <wlaoye at yahoo.com>
> > Subject: ekiga
> > To: Ekiga mailing list <ekiga-list at gnome.org>
> > 
> > Is  video communication under ekiga encrypted?

No, but it's planned for version 3.2.

> > 
> > I have ekiga installed for about a month now but
> > still
> > hav no chance to test out the video link. How about
> > setting up a site for video test, like what is
> > available for audio.

sip:500 at ekiga.net is an echo test supporting video.

> > 
> > When skype video becomes available, will ekiga peter
> > out?

At the time skype video for Linux will become available, I bet Ekiga
will have release support for h.264 video codec giving Ekiga same
quality as ichat for mac, with high framerate (up to 25 FPS i bet), thus
Ekiga will have better video than Skype, as H.264 is reputed to have
better quality than VP7 used by Skype.
See: http://www.doom9.org/index.html?/codecs-main-105-1.htm

Skype has very high security concerns, e.g. in my country (France) Skype
is forbidden in education administration. Security by obfuscation and
proprietary protocol isn't good enough for independence and real
security (checked by others).

Skype leeches your bandwidth to allow NAT transversal (and maybe other
purposes, who knows except Skype ?).

You can't know what Skype is doing, everything is encrypted, and Skype
generate traffic even if idle...

Skype messed up the way internet works by trying to pass any restriction
an administrator want to put on his network (using the port 80 and
encryption, relaying traffic in a P2P fashion, etc.)

Skype is enforcing Intel against AMD:
This means Skype use you to make money and restrict your hardware

Skype refuses interoperability. Thus their rates are usually more
expensive than the SIP rates.
http://www.voipbuster.com/en/rates.html (be aware you can choose any SIP
provider and benefit from competition, which you can't do with skype)

Some people (like me) refuse to use a closed protocol to transport their
communications. This isn't trustful.



> > 
> > wl
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >        
> >
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Me joindre en téléphonie IP / vidéoconférence ?
sip:yannick at ekiga.net
Logiciel de VoIP Ekiga : http://www.ekiga.org

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