[Ekiga-list] EKIGA locks using video, when connected to xmeeting

Damien Sandras dsandras at seconix.com
Mon Jan 29 12:47:19 UTC 2007

Le lundi 29 janvier 2007 à 13:37 +0100, Stefan Bruens a écrit :
> Sorry Damien, but I think you are wrong here, and you are acting, yes, like a 
> troll.

You can feel I am trolling but I am not.

> Opal 2.3.1 is not a random CVS version, it has been tagged as a development 
> release, and as such should have had at least some quality checks. If not, it 
> should not have been tagged at all.

Indeed, however, 2.3.1 is a development release and behaves like a
development release.

That version should be used by developers only and not by end users.

For example, the 2.3.1 release contains basic support for video plugins,
but that support is unfinished :
- Video codecs do not support setting the maximum bandwidth, framerate
and quality settings
- SPEEX audio codec does not work in Wideband and NarrowBand
- LPC-10 crashes
- G.726* is broken

> 2.2.4 has been released only a short time ago, and it contains many fixes 
> which have been in 2.3.1 much earlier, so from some point of view, 2.3.1 can 
> be considered more stable than 2.2.2 (Never forget distribution time 
> schedules).

I regret, but it is not true. 2.3.1 is not intended to be used by final
users and has many problems.

Your e-mail just confirms my opinion, SuSE is shipping untested things,
does not want to have a contact with the main developers of the projects
and are not doing what's need to bring quality software to the masses,
at least from Ekiga's point of view.

Shipping an Ekiga version linked to unstable libraries is bad for the
general perception of Ekiga, and I am mad about this.

I am not sure Craig would be satisfied by this either.
 _      Damien Sandras
//\    Ekiga Softphone : http://www.ekiga.org/
v_/_  NOVACOM                 : http://www.novacom.be/
          FOSDEM                   : http://www.fosdem.org/
          SIP Phone             : sip:dsandras at ekiga.net

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