[Ekiga-list] Coexistence of ekiga with an ATA

ael law_ence.dev at ntlworld.com
Sat Jan 13 19:00:49 UTC 2007

Simon Wood wrote:
> Hi, Just thought I'd add my $0.02 on this. I have a set up of 3
> machines (all running Ekiga) and 1 hard phone running behind a single
> OpenWrt router.
> To get this working I altered the port settings on Ekiga(s) using
> gconf-editor, and enabled both STUN and Proxy (fwdnat2.pulver.net). I
> have set each endpoint to use a set ports which is exclusive (doesn't
> overlap any of it's siblings).
> Each endpoint has seperate FWD numbers (for testing) and can
> call/message each other, albeit via going out to the internet and
> coming back in again.

But my ATA (= hard phone?) is *upstream* of the routers (for a reason)
which may be the crucial difference. If I moved the ATA downstream, I
would expect the problem to go away, but I haven't tried this so far.

Otherwise my setup is just the same. Different proxy , but that should
not matter.

> I think that I might have seen a similar message in the past.... I'll
> confirm later whether it happens if I turn off the proxying.

Unless we are talking of a different message, turning off proxying will
eliminate the message :-)

> Note on ports: You *HAVE* to set ranges... otherwise Ekiga gets
> upset. My IP hard-phone only needs 2 ports (SIP and RTP).

So does mine, and yes all my different ekigas have different non
overlapping port settings which are distinct from those of the ATA.

> I see no value in placing your ATA upstream, it's ports should be
> exclusive anyhow.

You have missed the point, It's not the  ports: it's bandwidth. I have
256Kb/s upstream and 2Mb/s downstream on a broadband connection, but I
still get occasional breakups even when the ATA alone is engaged in a
call. If it was downstream of a router, it would not be able to give
priority to its own voip packets during a call. Oh, and I can just power
the modem and ATA to maintain voip with no other machines running for
environmental reasons when I don't need the rest of the network active.

As I have said before everything seems to work 95% of the time, but
requires this touching of the STUN setting in ekiga instances before
they can make calls. It is not a big deal, but it would be nice to
understand what is going on.

> So your set up isn't that unusual.... 

Maybe having the ATA up front is the unusual part?

A E Lawrence

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