[Ekiga-list] crash with 2.0.3

Patriiiiiiiiiick patrick.smart at gmail.com
Tue Jan 9 13:52:22 UTC 2007

On 1/8/07, Damien Sandras <dsandras at seconix.com> wrote:
> Could you give me in a private e-mail your account information?

Will do. http://saintbenoit.eu/ekiga_config.jpg is the public part.

> I will try tonight. If I can reproduce the bug, I fix it :-)
> I suppose that giving a few calls to a belgian number is enough to
> reproduce the bug?

No, outgoing calls are just fine. You should just give a call (and
wait for a few seconds after pick-up) to Ekiga with my number
registered. Personnally, I only tested from a mobile since I have no
fixed line and I have free minutes. In my case, the freeze is
systematic after about 5 seconds.

Thank you for your time.


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