[Ekiga-list] Ekiga for stable OS releases

Alan Sill Alan.Sill at ttu.edu
Tue Feb 6 17:14:03 UTC 2007

One big barrier to adoption of Ekiga on our Linux systems is that we  
tend to use the "stable" branch rather than the "latest-greatest"  
developmental one of our OS installations.  Our current systems are  
based on CentOS 4.4, Scientific Linux 4, and RHEL 4 with the former  
being as bleeding-edge as we become.

Is it possible to set up download repositories, preferably yum- 
accessible, for instalaltions of Ekiga and its associated  
dependencies?  Having been through the painful compilation process  
more than once over the past few years, I can say that compiling from  
source on our (many, widely distributed) client machines is not an  
acceptable option and we would like to see a release system aimed at  
adoption and not experimentation.



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