[Ekiga-list] Setting Caller-ID to show my number when callaing

Ma Begaj derliebegott at gmail.com
Mon Apr 30 21:24:39 UTC 2007


I just verified my number at my SIP provider to be able to show it as
Caller-ID. That means, when I call someone through my SIP connection,
the called person should see this verified number on his/her phone.

The number is in format: 0049123456789 (00+country+city+number)

When I enter the above verified number in my hardware phone as
Caller-ID, everything is OK and this number is visible. When I do it
in Ekiga and enter this number as "User", it does not work (no number
shown on the phone display.

Any ideas? Does Ekiga support Caller-IDs?

Thanks a lot.


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