[Ekiga-list] Sipcall and Ekiga

Damien Sandras dsandras at seconix.com
Sat Dec 23 20:46:13 UTC 2006

Le samedi 23 décembre 2006 à 17:48 +0100, Gregor Horvath a écrit :
> Damien Sandras schrieb:
> > Their realm is first advertised as :
> >         voipgateway.org
> > then as :
> >
> >         
> > Which explains the problem.
> >         
> > Can you try setting as realm when registering?
> Thank's. I have tried and there is some progress. Now the called mobile 
> phone rings one time but then the connection is closed and ekiga says 
> connection was terminated because of an error.
> Here's the log:
> http://gregor-horvath.com/output2.txt

 Can you try without video?
 _      Damien Sandras
//\   Ekiga Softphone : http://www.ekiga.org/
v_/_ NOVACOM         : http://www.novacom.be/
          FOSDEM          : http://www.fosdem.org/
          SIP Phone       : sip:dsandras at ekiga.net

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