[Ekiga-list] Bad video quality / bandwidth

Asfand Yar Qazi ayqazi at gmail.com
Tue Aug 8 12:12:00 UTC 2006


I'm doing SIP video conferencing with a 640x480 webcam.  My supervisor
is claims the video sent back by the echo test at 500 at ekiga.net is
"shocking".  When I play images with xawtv, he says it seems better.
I notice that the max video bandwidth ekiga allows me to set is
100kB/s - how do I increase this or increase the video quality?  Both
offices between which we would like to video conference belong to a
web company, so network bandwidth is not a problem.

I really would like a solution to this, as the supervisor wants to
switch to something called 'webx' or even to Windows if the quality
doesn't improve, and I really don't want that.


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