chrisperro AH532:~$ banshee --debug ** Running Mono with --debug --profile=gui-thread-check ** *** Running with gui-thread-check *** [1 Debug 10:55:53.626] Bus.Session.RequestName ('org.bansheeproject.Banshee') replied with PrimaryOwner [1 Info 10:55:53.643] Running Banshee 2.9.2: [git-checkout (linux-gnu, x86_64) @ 2015-05-15 10:30:35 EDT] [1 Debug 10:55:53.649] Initializing GTK *** GUI THREAD INITIALIZED: 3888691072 [1 Debug 10:55:55.194] Post-Initializing GTK [1 Debug 10:55:55.208] Configuration client extension loaded (Banshee.GnomeBackend.GConfConfigurationClient) [1 Debug 10:55:55.212] Using default gconf-base-key [1 Debug 10:55:55.280] Core service started (DBusServiceManager, 0,000974) [1 Debug 10:55:55.282] Registering remote object /org/bansheeproject/Banshee/DBusCommandService (Banshee.ServiceStack.DBusCommandService) on org.bansheeproject.Banshee [1 Debug 10:55:55.288] Core service started (DBusCommandService, 0,007393) [1 Debug 10:55:55.307] Opened SQLite (version connection to /home/chrisperro/.config/banshee-1/banshee.db [1 Debug 10:55:55.307] Core service started (DbConnection, 0,019657) [1 Debug 10:55:55.312] Database version 45 is up to date [1 Debug 10:55:55.335] Core service started (PreferenceService, 0,0097) [1 Debug 10:55:55.340] Core service started (Network, 0,004774) [1 Debug 10:55:55.341] Registering remote object /org/bansheeproject/Banshee/SourceManager (Banshee.Sources.SourceManager) on org.bansheeproject.Banshee [1 Debug 10:55:55.341] Core service started (SourceManager, 0,000673) [1 Debug 10:55:55.345] Core service started (MediaProfileManager, 0,000185) [1 Debug 10:55:55.346] Registering remote object /org/bansheeproject/Banshee/PlayerEngine (Banshee.MediaEngine.PlayerEngineService) on org.bansheeproject.Banshee [1 Debug 10:55:55.348] Core service started (PlayerEngine, 0,003008) [1 Info 10:55:55.355] GStreamer# Initializing; GStreamer [1 Debug 10:55:55.473] Registering remote object /org/bansheeproject/Banshee/PlaybackController (Banshee.PlaybackController.PlaybackControllerService) on org.bansheeproject.Banshee [1 Debug 10:55:55.474] Core service started (PlaybackController, 0,002335) [1 Debug 10:55:55.477] Starting - Startup Job [1 Debug 10:55:55.478] Core service started (JobScheduler, 0,004532) [1 Debug 10:55:55.487] IO provider extension loaded (Banshee.IO.Gio.Provider) [1 Debug 10:55:55.517] Loaded HardwareManager backend: Banshee.Hardware.Gio [1 Debug 10:55:55.518] Core service started (HardwareManager, 0,040154) [1 Debug 10:55:55.520] Bus.Session.RequestName ('org.bansheeproject.CollectionIndexer') replied with PrimaryOwner [1 Debug 10:55:55.521] Registering remote object /org/bansheeproject/Banshee/CollectionIndexerService (Banshee.Collection.Indexer.CollectionIndexerService) on org.bansheeproject.CollectionIndexer [1 Debug 10:55:55.522] Core service started (CollectionIndexerService, 0,003072) [1 Debug 10:55:55.523] Core service started (SaveTrackMetadataService, 0,001683) [1 Debug 10:55:55.535] Adding icon theme search path: /usr/local/share/banshee/icons [1 Debug 10:55:55.536] Core service started (GtkElementsService, 0,01278) [1 Debug 10:55:55.537] Core service started (InterfaceActionService, 0,00116) [1 Debug 10:55:55.634] Extension actions loaded: MetadataFixActions [1 Debug 10:55:55.634] Registering remote object /org/bansheeproject/Banshee/GlobalUIActions (Banshee.Gui.GlobalActions) on org.bansheeproject.Banshee [1 Debug 10:55:55.635] Album artwork path set to /home/chrisperro/.cache/media-art [1 Debug 10:55:55.647] Core service started (ArtworkManager, 0,012078) [1 Debug 10:55:55.647] Core service started (BookmarksService, 0,000129) [1 Debug 10:55:55.818] Adding context page wikipedia [1 Debug 10:55:55.826] Adding context page lastfm-recommendations [1 Debug 10:55:56.028] Constructed Nereid interface: 0,34741 [1 Debug 10:55:56.080] Creating new surface cache for 90px images, capped at 0,87 MiB (28 items) [1 Debug 10:55:56.116] Registering remote object /org/bansheeproject/Banshee/ClientWindow (Nereid.PlayerInterface) on org.bansheeproject.Banshee [1 Debug 10:55:56.116] Core service started (NereidPlayerInterface, 0,460441) [1 Debug 10:55:56.165] Extension service started (NotificationAreaService, 0,04817) [1 Debug 10:55:56.167] Extension service started (DaapService, 0,00121) [1 Debug 10:55:56.221] Audioscrobbler state: connected [1 Debug 10:55:56.225] Extension service started (AudioscrobblerService, 0,057845) [1 Debug 10:55:56.229] Extension service started (LastfmStreamingService, 0,00358) [1 Debug 10:55:56.279] Extension service started (BpmService, 0,04958) [1 Debug 10:55:56.296] Extension service started (AudioCdService, 0,017083) [1 Debug 10:55:56.297] Extension service started (DvdService, 0,001155) [1 Debug 10:55:56.302] Using GNOME 2.22 API for Multimedia Keys [1 Debug 10:55:56.302] Extension service started (MultimediaKeysService, 0,004843) [1 Debug 10:55:56.303] Extension service started (DapService, 0,000876) [1 Debug 10:55:56.305] Extension service started (AmazonMp3DownloaderService, 0,001749) [1 Debug 10:55:56.325] Extension service started (EmusicService, 0,019939) [1 Debug 10:55:56.326] Extension service started (PodcastService, 0,001659) [1 Debug 10:55:56.332] Extension service started (MediaPanelService, 0,005012) [1 Info 10:55:56.335] Updating web proxy from GConf [1 Debug 10:55:56.340] Direct connection, no proxy in use [1 Debug 10:55:56.350] Extension service started (GnomeService, 0,018465) [1 Debug 10:55:56.352] Extension service started (CoverArtService, 0,001889) [1 Info 10:55:56.353] All services are started 1,120298 [1 Warn 10:55:56.782] Forcefully breaking out of RCS loop b/c change in total_width less than 1.0 [1 Debug 10:55:57.218] Creating Pango.Layout, configuring Cairo.Context [1 Debug 10:55:57.704] Extension source loaded: Guide Miro [1 Debug 10:55:57.743] Extension source loaded: [1 Debug 10:55:57.749] Extension source loaded: Internet Archive [1 Info 10:55:57.752] AmazonMP3 store redirect URL: [1 Debug 10:55:57.753] Extension source loaded: Boutique MP3 Amazon [1 Debug 10:55:57.837] Extension source loaded: File d'attente du système de fichiers [1 Debug 10:55:57.865] Extension source loaded: Livres audio [1 Debug 10:55:57.869] Extension source loaded: Lecture en cours [1 Debug 10:55:58.191] Registering remote object /org/bansheeproject/Banshee/SourceManager/PlayQueue (Banshee.PlayQueue.PlayQueueSource) on org.bansheeproject.Banshee [1 Debug 10:55:58.192] Extension source loaded: File d'attente de lecture [1 Debug 10:55:58.214] Extension source loaded: Radio [1 Debug 10:55:58.218] Starting GTK main loop [1 Debug 10:55:58.355] Creating Pango.Layout, configuring Cairo.Context [1 Debug 10:55:58.371] Creating Pango.Layout, configuring Cairo.Context [1 Debug 10:55:58.403] Creating Pango.Layout, configuring Cairo.Context [1 Info 10:55:58.523] nereid Client Started [1 Debug 10:55:58.524] Delayed Initializating Banshee.MediaEngine.PlayerEngineService [1 Debug 10:55:58.545] Found volume provider audiosink-actual-sink-pulse in audiosink: 1 [1 Debug 10:55:58.554] Built and linked Equalizer [1 Debug 10:55:58.607] Player state change: NotReady -> Ready [1 Debug 10:55:58.610] Loaded equalizer presets: 0,000191 [1 Debug 10:55:58.613] Selected equalizer: Rock [1 Debug 10:55:58.619] Player state change: Ready -> Idle [1 Debug 10:55:58.628] Enabled ReplayGain volume scaling. [1 Debug 10:55:58.631] Setting volume to 1,00 [1 Debug 10:55:58.631] Delayed Initializating Banshee.Daap.DaapService [1 Debug 10:55:58.632] Delayed Initializating Banshee.Dap.DapService [1 Debug 10:55:58.639] Dap support extension loaded: Banshee.Dap.MassStorage [1 Debug 10:55:58.640] Dap support extension loaded: Banshee.Dap.Mtp [1 Debug 10:55:58.641] Dap support extension loaded: Banshee.Dap.AppleDevice [1 Debug 10:55:58.644] Delayed Initializating Banshee.Podcasting.PodcastService [9 Info 10:55:58.659] AppleDeviceSource is ignoring unmounted volume Volume de 52 GB [10 Debug 10:55:58.692] Refreshing any podcasts that haven't been updated in over an hour [9 Info 10:55:58.693] AppleDeviceSource is ignoring unmounted volume Volume de 805 MB [12 Debug 10:55:58.893] DAAP Proxy listening for connections on port 8089 [1 Debug 10:55:59.692] Finished - Startup Job [1 Debug 10:55:59.694] Starting - Téléchargement de la pochette [14 Debug 10:55:59.697] Finished - Téléchargement de la pochette [1 Debug 10:56:00.632] Creating Pango.Layout, configuring Cairo.Context [1 Debug 10:56:00.634] Creating Pango.Layout, configuring Cairo.Context [1 Debug 10:56:05.528] Starting - Enregistrement des métadonnées dans le fichier [17 Debug 10:56:05.541] Finished - Enregistrement des métadonnées dans le fichier [1 Debug 10:56:26.701] Creating Pango.Layout, configuring Cairo.Context [1 Debug 10:56:26.703] Creating Pango.Layout, configuring Cairo.Context [1 Debug 10:56:32.446] Player state change: Idle -> Loading [1 Debug 10:56:32.603] Player state change: Loading -> Loaded [1 Info 10:56:32.654] Uncached artwork size 218 requested [1 Debug 10:56:32.663] Player state change: Loaded -> Playing [1 Debug 10:56:32.678] Creating Pango.Layout, configuring Cairo.Context [1 Debug 10:56:32.678] Creating Pango.Layout, configuring Cairo.Context [1 Debug 10:56:33.641] TrackInfoDisplay RenderAnimation: 32,00 FPS [1 Debug 10:56:33.665] TrackInfoDisplay RenderAnimation: 32,00 FPS [1 Debug 10:56:33.665] TrackInfoDisplay RenderAnimation: 32,00 FPS [1 Debug 10:56:38.213] Creating Pango.Layout, configuring Cairo.Context [1 Debug 10:56:38.215] Creating Pango.Layout, configuring Cairo.Context *** Error in `banshee': double free or corruption (out): 0x00007fb97c018f40 *** Stacktrace: at <0xffffffff> at (wrapper managed-to-native) Gst.MiniObject.gst_mini_object_unref (intptr) at Gst.MiniObject/FinalizerInfo.Handler () [0x00007] in /home/chrisperro/dev/banshee/gstreamer-sharp/sources/generated/Gst/MiniObject.cs:233 at GLib.Timeout/TimeoutProxy.Handler () at (wrapper native-to-managed) GLib.Timeout/TimeoutProxy.Handler () at <0xffffffff> at (wrapper managed-to-native) Gtk.Application.gtk_main () at Gtk.Application.Run () at Banshee.Gui.GtkBaseClient.Run () [0x00019] in /home/chrisperro/dev/banshee/banshee/src/Core/Banshee.ThickClient/Banshee.Gui/GtkBaseClient.cs:225 at Banshee.Gui.GtkBaseClient.Startup () [0x00010] in /home/chrisperro/dev/banshee/banshee/src/Core/Banshee.ThickClient/Banshee.Gui/GtkBaseClient.cs:79 at Hyena.Gui.CleanRoomStartup.Startup (Hyena.Gui.CleanRoomStartup/StartupInvocationHandler) [0x00050] in /home/chrisperro/dev/banshee/banshee/src/Hyena/Hyena.Gui/Hyena.Gui/CleanRoomStartup.cs:54 at Banshee.Gui.GtkBaseClient.Startup () [0x00049] in /home/chrisperro/dev/banshee/banshee/src/Core/Banshee.ThickClient/Banshee.Gui/GtkBaseClient.cs:74 at Banshee.Gui.GtkBaseClient.Startup (string[]) [0x00021] in /home/chrisperro/dev/banshee/banshee/src/Core/Banshee.ThickClient/Banshee.Gui/GtkBaseClient.cs:64 at Nereid.Client.Main (string[]) [0x00002] in /home/chrisperro/dev/banshee/banshee/src/Clients/Nereid/Nereid/Client.cs:54 at (wrapper runtime-invoke) .runtime_invoke_void_object (object,intptr,intptr,intptr) at <0xffffffff> at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.AppDomain.ExecuteAssembly (System.AppDomain,System.Reflection.Assembly,string[]) at System.AppDomain.ExecuteAssemblyInternal (System.Reflection.Assembly,string[]) at System.AppDomain.ExecuteAssembly (string,System.Security.Policy.Evidence,string[]) at (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) System.AppDomain.ExecuteAssembly (string,System.Security.Policy.Evidence,string[]) at System.AppDomain.ExecuteAssembly (string) at (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) System.AppDomain.ExecuteAssembly (string) at Booter.Booter.BootClient (string) [0x00025] in /home/chrisperro/dev/banshee/banshee/src/Clients/Booter/Booter/Entry.cs:108 at Booter.Booter.Main () [0x000f0] in /home/chrisperro/dev/banshee/banshee/src/Clients/Booter/Booter/Entry.cs:102 at (wrapper runtime-invoke) object.runtime_invoke_void (object,intptr,intptr,intptr) Native stacktrace: banshee() [0x4b5bc0] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fb9e717ed10] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fb9e6dd9267] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fb9e6ddaeca] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fb9e6e1cc53] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fb9e6e24c69] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fb9e6e2889c] /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fb9e27030b3] /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fb9ce475abc] /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fb9ce47d26d] [0x407cda13] Debug info from gdb: Could not attach to process. If your uid matches the uid of the target process, check the setting of /proc/sys/kernel/yama/ptrace_scope, or try again as the root user. For more details, see /etc/sysctl.d/10-ptrace.conf ptrace: Opération non permise. No threads. ================================================================= Got a SIGABRT while executing native code. This usually indicates a fatal error in the mono runtime or one of the native libraries used by your application. ================================================================= Abandon (core dumped)