[Ekiga-list] Suggestion: a front end hook for ekiga

ael law_ence.dev at ntlworld.com
Sat Dec 23 21:55:47 UTC 2006

Damien Sandras wrote:
> Le samedi 23 décembre 2006 à 16:16 +0000, ael a écrit :
>>>The real question is : why do you have to do that? Mixer settings should
>>>be remembered accross reboots, and should not be changed while you are
>>1) I don't want a microphone active when I am not using it. Also
>>possible security issues there.
>>2) I find that I need to adjust PCM, FM and master volume levels among
>>others to suit various applications. Some are otherwise just too quiet,
>>others deafen me.
>>3) Capture selection/setting also needs adjusting for various
>>applications. When I install ekiga on a new machine, I often think the
>>microphone is not working until I remember that it must be in Capture
>>mode for ekiga. I have been caught by that several times :-)
>>4) If I start ekiga with my default mixer setting ekiga does not work:
>>no microphone input, and very quiet output.
>>So I find that I freqently need to adjust mixer settings depending on
>>which application I am running. mplayer, realplayer [spit], aplay,
>>timidity, aplaymidi, ekiga and so on...
> That's a good justification :-)

:-) And I forgot one of the most important:-

5) If I am running another sound application and a call comes in to
ekiga, I don't have time to launch a mixer control program, and fiddle
with the settings before answering in ekiga...

My current bash script does the job, but I wonder why other people don't
(apparently) have the same problem.

A E Lawrence

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