[Ekiga-list] Ekiga and Video

Damien Sandras dsandras at seconix.com
Fri Aug 18 07:27:59 UTC 2006

Sorry, I accidentally accepted this message which was still in the queue
because of the use of gnomemeeting-list at gnome.org

Already answered,

Le mardi 08 août 2006 à 15:37 -0700, George a écrit :
> I'm not sure who to address this question to, but the problem I'm having
> is, washed out color with ekiga and my video.
> I'm running Fedora Core 5 with the pwc driver and a Logiteck 4000 web
> cam and ekiga 2.02
> Using CamStream to set my camera the color is great, but when I use
> ekiga, the color is washed out. 
> I'm wondering if anyone has experienced this problem, or may be able to
> help me figure out why this is happening.
> Thanks in advance,
> George
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 _      Damien Sandras
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