/* * OS: Ubuntu 18.04 * Kernel: Linux 4.15.0-42-generic * Compiler: GCC 7.3.0 * Libraries: gtkmm 3.22.2-2 * Instructions: Compile with 'g++ -o test main.cpp `pkg-config --libs --cflags gtkmm-3.0`' * and run with './test'. * Description: Creates window called 'TITLE' of size 'WIDTH' x 'HEIGHT' * and fills it with RGB color that is specified using 'Color' struct. * The drawing area onto which is drawn is placed into scrolled window * so that we can use the scrollbars to navigate the drawing area * if the window is resized to smaller than initial size. * The problem is that these scrollbars are not shown. */ #include #include // window attributes #define TITLE "Test" #define WIDTH 640 #define HEIGHT 480 // color to display in RGB format struct Color { double black = 0.0; double green = 0.0; double red = 0.0; }; class DrawingArea : public Gtk::DrawingArea { public: // copies dimensions of the window so the whole window is filled void copy_dimensions(Gdk::Rectangle& dimensions) { memcpy(&_dimensions, &dimensions, sizeof(Gdk::Rectangle)); signal_draw().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &DrawingArea::render)); set_size_request(_dimensions.get_width(),_dimensions.get_height()); } private: Gdk::Rectangle _dimensions; // renders color onto the surface bool render(const Cairo::RefPtr& cr) { Color color; cr->set_source_rgb(color.black, color.green, color.red); cr->rectangle(_dimensions.get_x(), _dimensions.get_y(), _dimensions.get_width(), _dimensions.get_height()); cr->fill(); return true; } }; class Window : public Gtk::Window { public: Window(const int width, const int height) { // set dimensions _dimensions.set_x(0); _dimensions.set_y(0); _dimensions.set_width(width); _dimensions.set_height(height); // set properties of window and its elements describe_window(); // set drawing area _drawing_area.copy_dimensions(_dimensions); // attach all together attach_elements(); } private: Gdk::Rectangle _dimensions; Gtk::ScrolledWindow _scroll_win;; DrawingArea _drawing_area; // set major window properties void describe_window() { // window itself set_title(TITLE); set_default_size(_dimensions.get_width(), _dimensions.get_height()); // scrolling area _scroll_win.set_policy(Gtk::PolicyType::POLICY_AUTOMATIC, Gtk::PolicyType::POLICY_AUTOMATIC); _scroll_win.set_overlay_scrolling(true); _scroll_win.set_hexpand(true); _scroll_win.set_vexpand(true); } // properly glues all elements together void attach_elements() { _scroll_win.add(_drawing_area); add(_scroll_win); } }; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { // create app and run it Glib::RefPtr test = Gtk::Application::create(argc, argv, "this.is.just.a.test"); Window win(WIDTH, HEIGHT); win.show_all(); return test->run(win); }