A little discussion about "%s is not actionable" Accerciser's Validator error

Hi everybody!

As I said in [1], I'm gathering useful information for a Accerciser's Validator Help wiki.

Well, to add some possible solutions for Accerciser's Validator errors, I've been testing it with gtk3-demo widgets and, as far as I checked, the ' %s is not actionable' error is being raised only for menu widgets *within* comboboxes. Regular menus and other widgets that should have ATK's Action interface are ok. Since the combobox is actionable, I don't see a sound reason for this "menu exception" to be considered a bug. Instead of asking gtk-devel team to add the action interface in this combo box component, maybe it's more adequate to handle it in Accerciser's code. Something like "if the menu is part of a default combo box and the menu isn't actionable then raise '%s is not actionable'".

Thoughts? Suggestions? Am I totally wrong?

Thanks for your attention,

[1] https://mail.gnome.org/archives/gnome-accessibility-list/2011-June/msg00044.html

Aline Bessa
GNU/Linux Registered User #452373

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